Fund raising takes personal effort. Mission Team members have found, time and again, that God answers their prayers, and funding comes in miraculous ways.

A good way to start is by understanding the biblical rationale behind the practice; there is a biblical precedent! The Apostle Paul tells us (Philippians 4) that giving to missions is about participating in God’s work and receiving His blessings.

Start today! Your parish priest can be a great resource as you plan to engage your parish. He can guide you to reach out to the different organizations or help you appeal to other local parishes.

Let others know that they will be sharing in the work of missions through their donations. Invite others to participate through prayer and financial support.

Tips to reach your goal:

Participant Center - You will have access to Personal Fundraising Pages. Add a profile of where you’ll be serving. Make it personal: fill out your bio; share your story; choose a guiding biblical quote; add additional photos and videos.

Hint: From your Personal Page, you can create your own URL, a blogpage,usesocialmedia, email directly and customize messages.

Social Media - Encourage your friends and family to share your posts. Send your Personal Page URL on your online posts. Use images, videos and live-streaming features.

Hint: Post 2 - 3 times per week, before 8am, between 12pm-3pm & 6-9pm

Email - Build a list of contacts and keep track of who you emailed and when. Ask your family/friends to share your Personal Page with their co-workers. Send messages directly from your Participant Center.

Hint: Send emails on Tuesday or Thursday between 10am-11am & 8pm-12am

Text - Text your URL to friends and family and encourage them to share your Personal Page.

Hint: Text everyone in your contact list.

Be sure not to forget…

Give presentations. Be personal in your presentations and share from the heart. Let others know that they will be sharing in your work by sending you. A personal approach rarely goes unrewarded.

Use personal letters to appeal to relatives, friends and family. Your letter should be brief; request support for yourself and your Team project; and most importantly, invite others to pray for this missionary endeavor. Enclose a stamped return envelope.

Finally, thank you, thank you and thank you. Throughout the whole process, don’t forget to go back and say thank you!

Contact your Orthodox Mission Teams staff for additional tips, ideas and hints.

How to Use Your Participant Center?

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