2021 OCMC Trek4Missions

St. Basil the Great - KC

Welcome to our OCMC 2021 Virtual Trek4Missions. During these unprecedented times, our team made a pledge to focus on our personal health and help send OCMC missionaries to the ends of the earth to preach the Gospel of Christ!

Together we are accepting the challenge to "trek" through our community to bring awareness of Orthodox missions.

OCMC's mission is to obey Christ's Great Commission to make disciples of all nations by bringing people to Christ and His Church. All proceeds raised through our fundraising will go directly towards their efforts to recruit, train, send, and support Orthodox missionaries. 

OCMC is supported by individual donors like our team. Donations large and small help bring the Gospel message one step closer to reach the1 billion people who have yet to hear the Good News. 

We hope you will join us to help send disciples and change lives. Consider donating to our page or joining our team. If you would like to join, help us complete our team goal by walking, running, cycling, and more, along with, raising funds for OCMC. 

Together we can help bring the life-transforming Gospel into the world! 


The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; Therefore, pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." (Luke 10:2)

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